Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Hi world!  I am Analissa Carter and welcome to my blog!  I am a 25 year old student currently residing in South Mississippi.  CURRENTLY but not for long!!!!!  I plan to move to Atlanta.  I may be majoring in the medical field and always had dreams as a child of becoming a doctor, but I am now a die-hard fashion maven in the making!  I love styling as well as a bit of designing!  I am in the process of starting my brand - "ANOTHER CUSTOM by ANALISSA CARTER" or "AC by AC". I was born and mostly raised in a small town called Fayette, MS but, my hometown is now West Point, MS.  Home is where the heart and family is, therefore it is in West Point, MS.  I have many hobbies and if you keep coming back you will learn about them!  I created this blog to share with the world the way my brain works, which many might describe as a bit crazy (oh well, lol)! So welcome to a new way of thinking!  You will see that I love to "ANAlyze" any/everything.  Thanks for visiting, keep coming back!  ;-)